

The DualRangeFilter allows you to filter the collection by a range of min and max values using a custom noUiSlider range slider.

Ideal for

Any situation that you want to let the user select a range of values, for example an integer field, pricing fields or even dates.


This field uses the noUiSlider Javascript range slider so you need to include it in order for this field to work. Visit the installation page to learn more.


You can set the following options:

  • min: The minimum allowed value

  • max: The maximum allowed value

  • step: The steps that the value of each handle will change between when moved. (Default: 1)

  • minRange: The minimum allowed distance between the handles (Default: 1)

  • format: By default the range slider uses integer values. You can set this to float to enable more accuracy if needed.

  • modifier: This filter uses by default the gte and lte conditions for numbers and the is_after and is_before conditions for date fields. You can pass a pipe separated modifier in order the change that, for example gt|lt.

Preset values / Custom URL string

This plugin sets two parameters, one for the minimum value and one for the maximum value. You can preset one of both of those values in the LivewireCollection component by using the original conditions:

        {{ livewire-collection:cars max_passengers:gte="4" max_passengers:lte="7" }}

Similarly, you need to set both those conditions in the config file for the custom URL query string to work correctly.

Usage with Date fields

As you can see in the example page, this slider can also tackle date fields. When the date field is detected, the conditions automatically change to is_after and is_before. A typical use case if to let the user select a range of years to filter out the entries based on a date field.

Note that the minimum date is set to the start of the year selected and the ending date to the end of the year selected.

Syntax example

You can check the advanced example to see it in action.

        {{ livewire:lf-dual-range-filter


We have modified the original CSS file of noUiSlider to better fit with the rest of the filters. If you are using our Javascript bundle as mentioned in the installation page, you can use CSS variables to modify the appearance of the slider. The following variables can be overridden in your CSS file (use !important):

        :root {
    --noui-width: 16px;
    --noui-height: 12px;
    --noui-handle-width: 28px;
    --noui-handle-height: 28px;
    --noui-handle-radius: 100%;
    --noui-border-radius: 0;
    --noui-bg: #FAFAFA;
    --noui-bg-dark: #e4e4e4;
    --noui-border: #D3D3D3;
    --noui-shadow-light: #F0F0F0;
    --noui-shadow-dark: #BBB;
    --noui-connect: #2563eb;
    --noui-shadow-active: #DDD;